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Transforming and Urbanizing Suburbia – The Canadian Experience (SB38E) @ 2016 CIP Conference

Canada may be considered an urban country but most of our cities are car oriented, suburban in nature. Suburban development in Canada has specific characteristics and aspects and its transformation and urbanization has already begun. In the context of current global issues such as climate change, sustainability, public health issues the transformation and urbanization of large car-oriented, single use suburban areas is one of the key priorities for planners and urban designers. This session will offer an update of key trends and issues related to urbanizing suburbia, including current research; sustainable mobility and transit-oriented development; intensification and revitalization projects; compact, complete urban extensions; and planning and design tools to speed up the urbanization process. Presenters are Council of Canadian Urbanism members who are prominent planners from across Canada.


  • Joyce Drohan, MAIBC, AAA, SAA, LEED AP, Associate Principal, Perkins & Wills

  • David Gordon FCIP, RPP, AICP, P. Eng, Ph D, Professor and Director, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Geography and Planning, Queen’s University

  • Dan Leeming FCIP, RPP, Partner, Planning Partnership

  • Jacob Ritchie MCIP, LPP, Urban Design Manager, Halifax Regional Municipality

  • Alexandru Taranu FCIP, RPP, OAA, MRAIC, Manager, Architectural Design, City of Brampton, Brampton, ON

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